In today’s world, women over 50 are made to feel less than the younger group. So many changes start happening around this age. The kids are gone, the husband leaves you for a younger version, your lifelong job says “you’re fired.” You wake up one morning and you’ve gained 20 pounds and chopped your hair off. You look in the mirror and (AHHH!!) do not recognize the person staring back.

For some reason, your know-it-all children seem to just have it all together. They’ve got all the answers! What you should/shouldn’t be doing (“EWWW, why would you be on Tinder?! That’s for kids!), what you should be wearing (“Shouldn’t you cover up a little?” “Mom, what are you trying to prove with that short skirt?!?!”), what you should be eating (“Gluten is so bad for you!!”), and by the way, don’t be so depressed!

Friends are either still happily married (or so they say.. no telling what their husbands say), and will take pity on you. They’ll say “go out and date!” Instead, why don’t they offer up some real help? Such as, “let me straighten your hair with this great new expensive straightener my husband bought me!” or, “Let’s practice this new makeup technique I learned from my amazing makeup artist!” EYEROLL.

On the other hand, other friends are going through similar circumstances as you are, and will usually just take a seat at your pity party with you. This is no good for anyone. Why don’t we build each other up in times of need?

Allow me to help. WOMEN- you are worthy. Your life is FAR from over, it could be just the beginning! At 50 years old, you have all the wisdom of living. Making mistakes. Loving someone. Hating someone. It’s your life! You’re the same vivacious woman that you were at 20 or 30, but with SO MUCH MORE (and less kids ;)). The fun part about being 50+ is there isn’t any judgement! And if there is, who cares?

Get up in the morning, look in the mirror and say “Hello Gorgeous!” Draw yourself a long bath with beautiful and soothing oils, and just get lost in the aroma! Listen to some classical music and imagine. Dream. Live!

Put your makeup on. Straighten your hair. Put on your ripped and torn skinny jeans with a cool Magnolia Pearl graphic t-shirt (these things have no age limit!). Add a bootie. Make all of this a priority.

Now look in the mirror. You are the same person you were at 25, only better! You will always be thrown various curveballs, at the end of the day, all you can count on is YOU. And who you greet in the mirror. Life is what we make it! When you go through a daily ritual of being grateful and honoring yourself, you will attract what you have been waiting for!!!!